


Park It - Automated Parking

India is the world’s fourth largest automotive market with limited parking spaces. Improper parking of vehicles causes traffic congestion on most streets and roads. This project helps to overcome these challenges by suggesting the nearest parking spot according to the availability of the parking space in that parking lot. My system uses cameras and state-of-the-art object detection methods (Mask RCNN) to identify vacant spaces in parking lots.



I was first introduced with the term Quadcopter in my childhood when I was watching a bollywood movie "Three Idiots". I was so amazed after watching it that I decided to built a quadcopter. It has many applications like security, delivery etc. Currently I am working on a autonomous drone for monitoring crop health in farms.


Neuroevolution Of Flappy Bird

We all have played flappy bird one time or the another and it is quite a challenging game. So I decided to make Flappy bird using Neuroevolution. Neuroevolution is form of artificial intelligence that uses evolutionary algorithms to generate artificial neural networks (ANN), parameters, topology and rules.