

Neuroevolution Of Flappy Bird

We all have played flappy bird one time or the another and it is quite a challenging game. So I decided to make Flappy bird using Neuroevolution. Neuroevolution is form of artificial intelligence that uses evolutionary algorithms to generate artificial neural networks (ANN), parameters, topology and rules.


Smart Rockets -- Genetic Algorithm

As a part of my Artificial Intelligence assignment, I made smart rockets using Genetic Algorithms. Their is a starting position from which the rockets start. They have to reach the goal avoiding all the obstacle in between.


Maze Solver Simulation

As a computer science students, we all are taught data structures like tree, graph etc . Along with it we are taught several algorithms to find out the shortest path between the starting point and the goal node like Dijkstra's algorithm, A* etc. I tried to make a simulation of the maze solver, which finds the shortest path between the goal and the destination location.


Snake Game

Many of us have played the classical snake game in our childhood. From my childhood I was fascinated on how it is build. This way my first game. After building this game I realized actually how easy is to built such classical games. I hope you will like it.